divendres, 23 de gener del 2009

How to make arabic bread

Hello everybody,

In order to contribute to the Peace Day Celebration and the International Gastronomic Show, here you have a show about one of the recipes that you will enjoy next Friday.

2n ESO E countable & uncountable

dijous, 22 de gener del 2009

1st Bat and everybody out there

Hello everybody,

In the box you have twomore avi. documents. They are exercises extracted from the workbook. We'll work on them tomorrow in class.
Besides, Rafa Pastor has taught me how to insert the video-player. The musical selection is very personal but it is intended to grow in size and taste with your suggestions. For anything you would like to be seen and heard in here, leave a comment here or send it to my e-mail.
Take care,
Eduardo Otsoa

dimarts, 20 de gener del 2009

2n ESO Quantifiers

Dear students,

I have uploaded two files in the box on quantifiers (some, many, much, a lot of ...). Please download them.
Mª Carmen Bou.

dilluns, 19 de gener del 2009

1st Bat Middle English Rap

If you don't understand the lyrics of this video, don't worry. It is in middle English. Today's English language's ancestor. The one spoken by poor people between the French-speaking Norman invasion and the Black Death, when they went nuts about their vowels. Whoever puts it in modern English will get a permium bonus. Send your suggestions to my e-mail.

Take care, Eduardo Otsoa

diumenge, 18 de gener del 2009

1st Bat unit 3 vocabulary exercises 3 & 4 p 34

Hello everybody,

I keep on playing with these toys. I've just uploaded two new files produced with the recorder of the smartboard. Download and watch them. They have an .avi extension, so you will be able to open and see them. Tell me tomorrow in class how wonderful they are! It's an order.
Take care,
Eduardo Otsoa Etxeberria.

P.S. Miguel Ferri has already answered the are you good at English test. So he will receive generous extra punctuation. Follow his example and send me the test (or show it to me done in your notebook).

dissabte, 17 de gener del 2009

1st Bat. A little bit on the Canterbury Tales

Dear 1st Bat students.
Click here and you will surf to the English Wikipedia. Please read the article on Geoffrey Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales. Do you feel like preparing an oral presentation with the information provided here and following the oral presentation rules of the template that you might find in the box. If so, let me know. Send me a message to edorta67@gmail.com and I'll give you the chance to lecture us in class. Give it a try.
Take care!
Eduardo Otsoa

divendres, 16 de gener del 2009

1st ESO E
Dear students,
I've just uploaded the ppt file presenting material for school.
Please download it to study.

3r ESO C Past Continuous

En el box de l'esquerra trobareu un power point (el que hem vist en classe) sobre el past continuous. Baixeu-vos-el.
Laura Martínez

1st Bat Present Perfect presentation

Dear students,

On the left in the box you will find an interesting ppt on the Present Perfect. Please download it.
Lola Lozano

dijous, 15 de gener del 2009

Oral Presentations for 1st Bat H

Hello everybody,

Finally I have decided to join the blog of my department, so every now and then I will upload bits and pieces of different things that I consider interesting for you to have a look at and learn. The first file that you can find in the box is a template for your oral presentations. Please download it and take it into account because the more you stick to it when talking in front of the class, the higher your mark will be.

See you tomorrow

Take care,

Eduardo Otsoa Etxeberria

Prova del PFC

Estem provant el bloc

dilluns, 5 de gener del 2009

Algunes activitats per repassar gramàtica. Alumnes 4t ESO (Lourdes)

Ací teniu el link d'algunes pàgines que contenen activitats de la gramàtica que hem vist fins ara. Intenteu fer-les i practicar per tal d'assolir la gramàtica totalment.
Unit 1: present simple i present continuo. and subject and object questions.
Unit 2: Passat simple i passat continuo.
Unit 3: Comparatives and superlatives.
Seguiré afegint altres pàgines.