diumenge, 18 de gener del 2009

1st Bat unit 3 vocabulary exercises 3 & 4 p 34

Hello everybody,

I keep on playing with these toys. I've just uploaded two new files produced with the recorder of the smartboard. Download and watch them. They have an .avi extension, so you will be able to open and see them. Tell me tomorrow in class how wonderful they are! It's an order.
Take care,
Eduardo Otsoa Etxeberria.

P.S. Miguel Ferri has already answered the are you good at English test. So he will receive generous extra punctuation. Follow his example and send me the test (or show it to me done in your notebook).

1 comentari:

Marisa Miralles ha dit...

Hola Eduardo,a este paso me vas a alcanzar en número de entradas.He hecho un esfuerzo por leerlas todas y entenderlas.Entraré con frecuencia y así repaso; no sea que tenga que dar latín y griego en inglés.